Your Family Medicine Specialists

Patient Information


New Patient Form

Email Consent Form

New Patient Results

Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy Statement

Surgery Hours

  • Monday to Friday to
  • Vaccination clinics are held on scheduled Saturdays.
  • We are closed on Public Holidays and Sundays and for general appointments on Saturdays.

Fees & Charges

Our practice is not a bulk billing practice and payment is generally expected on the day of the consultation.

A standard consultation for a private patient is $96.50; this fee is discounted to $76.50 for patients with a valid Pension or Health Care Card. The Medicare rebate for a standard consultation is currently $41.40.

While The Surgery is not a bulk billing practice our doctors will usually bulk bill patients under the age of 16. There may be exceptions to this general rule. Please feel free to discuss this with your doctor.

Many of our doctors will also bulk bill patients who are unable to afford to pay.

Please be aware that if you are a new patient, you will not be bulk billed, and the fee for your first visit may be higher, as sometimes a longer consultation is required for your first visit.

Many services are routinely bulk billed such as health assessment items.

Fees are levied for some services provided in our Treatment Rooms/ Minor Surgery Theatres and these fees are dependent upon the complexity of the service provided and the cost of the medical supplies used.

A full list of fees is available at the reception in each practice locations.

We accept MasterCard and Visa cards.

Emergency or Urgent Appointments

Please notify staff if your request is urgent or requires immediate medical attention. If an immediate appointment is not available, you will be assessed by a practice nurse for appropriate Management.

After hours and Emergency

Outside our normal surgery hours go to Albany Regional Hospital if you need urgent treatment. In an emergency call 000 for an ambulance. Our doctors provide after hours services all year round. Follow the prompt on our after hours phone message if it is medically essential to talk to the on call doctor. Maternity cases are to contact the labour ward direct.

Home Visits

Any requests for home visits will be directed to the patient’s GP and the visit will be made at the discretion of the treating Doctor.

Telephone Advice

To obtain advice regarding your treatment phone the practice and you will be put through to the appropriate person or you can leave a message for a return call. Phone calls will not be put through to the GP while they are consulting.


Where possible, scripts and letters should be requested during a consultation. Alternatively, a phone consult can be made to discuss your medications with your GP. All scripts done outside of a face to face or phone consult will incur a $10-$15 charge ($15 if the script is urgent and is needed by close of business on the day of request, or requires an authority). Please allow 2 working days for scripts. Please phone after 10am for script requests.

Your Test Results

It is not practice policy to routinely contact patients with test results. Doctors review all test results and will either inform the patient themselves or ask a staff member to contact the patient with appropriate instructions. Patients are strongly encouraged to phone the surgery for results after 1 week. Please phone after 10am in the morning. INRs are now done in the treatment room by the Nurse. Results are reviewed by your GP and management discussed with him/her.

Communication Policy

We use mail, facsimile and secure electronic email to transmit patient information. If you have a mobile phone we will send an SMS to confirm appointments. Patients can contact us via our website for non-urgent matters.

Skin Lesions and Skin Cancers

A number of our doctors have special interest in and considerable experience treating skin lesions. Ask the doctor to check any lesions you are concerned about. A full skin check is also advisable on a regular basis.

Chronic Disease Management

Our practice will prepare a plan to ensure conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Osteoporosis and also Mental Health Problems are properly managed. If you have a chronic condition ask your GP about a plan. Help us to help you.

Recall and Reminders

Our practice uses a Recall and Reminder system  to flag patients for preventative health care. We recall patients who have had the following procedures; health assessments and checks, skin checks, breast checks, pap smears, colonoscopies, IUD and Implanon removal. This surgery participates in State and National registers.

Patient Privacy

This practice protects your personal health information to ensure it is only available to authorised staff members for the intended purposes and to comply with the Privacy Act. To obtain a copy of our Privacy Statement or your medical records, please ask.


Our practice is fully set up for video conferencing with participating specialists. Using Telehealth may save you time and travel costs; ask your GP and Specialist for advice.

My Health Record (PCEHR)

Our practice is participating in the PCEHR. If you wish to activate your PCEHR or would like to know more please ask your doctor or discuss the issue with our Practice Manager.