Services - Aged Care Services
Coordinated Care Program for Veterans
A comprehensive range of services are provided to our Veteran patients including the DVA Coordinated Care Program.
Veterans, War Widows and War Widowers
Our practice is proud to provide services to war widows and widowers. Our GP’s are appointed by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs as Local Medical officers to provide services to Gold Card and White Card Holders.
The services we provide include Care Plans, Health Assessments and Medication Reviews.
Please advise us if you have a DVA card.
Medication Reviews
Your GP can arrange for a Pharmacist to visit your home and review your medications with you. You will have time to discuss your medication regime with the Pharmacist, ask questions and provide the Pharmacist with any information regarding problems you may be experiencing with your medications. The Pharmacist will provide your Doctor with a report and together, the Pharmacist and Doctor will provide you with the optimum benefit from your medication regime to suit your medical needs.
Health Assessments
The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. If you are over 75, we will invite you to participate in a home health assessment where one of our Practice Nurses will visit you in your home to discuss any concerns you may have that could impact on you living independently at home, including safety issues within the home. In addition to assessing your health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning.
They are undertaken in order to improve your overall health and quality of life.
As this is a comprehensive assessment of your health, it may take up to an hour and a half of you time
Residential Care Services
If you become a permanent resident in a Residential Aged Care facility, your usual GP will continue with your medical care within the facility. The GP will visit the facility regularly or if you wish, you can still visit the GP at The Surgery. Facility staff will also communicate with your Doctor if you need to receive a visit for more urgent medical attention.
Our Doctors welcome new Residential patients if you do not have an Albany GP. Please contact the Practice Manager to discuss.
Palliative Care
All doctors at The Surgery are experienced in end of life care. Referrals may be made to The Albany Palliative Care Team to ensure patient and family needs are met in the most appropriate way.
Palliative care is provided to patients in their own home, to those in residential care facilities and those in the Albany Community Hospice.
Dr Pieter Austin, Dr Steve Gust, Dr Lorri Hopkins, Dr Jim Lie, Dr Brian Malone and Dr Mark Zafir have clinical privileges at the Albany Community Hospice to provide care to patients in the Hospice.